Defensive Pistol Course
The NRA's Basic Defensive Pistol Course is an advanced-level class for those desiring the knowledge, skills, and attitude to carry and use a concealed pistol ethically, responsibly, and with confidence.
Course Overview:
It is recommended by the NRA that this class be taken soon after the successful completion of the NRA Basic Pistol Course while the information from that class is still fresh in your mind.
This course is one full day.
If you are pregnant or nursing, we will require a written doctor's authorization allowing you to shoot and handle ammunition.
You must have successfully completed the NRA Basic Pistol Course prior to taking the Defensive Pistol Course.
Unless you have taken this course or attended the CCDW Training Course with Aimwell Academy LLC, you will need to provide your Course Completion Certificate.
Lessons in the NRA Defensive Pistol class include:
The importance of carrying and using a pistol responsibly and ethically for personal protection
How the NRA Rules for Safe Gun Handling are applied to concealed carry
Basic Priciples of Concealment
Mental Awareness and Preparation to develop a defensive mindset for carrying and using a pistol for personal protection
Techniques for avoiding life-threatening confrontations
Psychological and Physiological changes that may occur during an attack
Flash Sight Picture
Cover and Concealment
Reloading under stress
Immediate Action Drills to include:
Presenting a pistol from concealment
Shooting targets at varying distances
Moving off the line of attack
Clearing common stoppages
Pocket Pistols - Advantages and Disadvantages
The practical shooting exercises are conducted at an outdoor range. Please dress appropriately.
Eye and hearing protection is required.
We recommend wearing a high-necked shirt. Hot brass can blister.
Flip-flops, sandals, and bare feet will not be allowed.
You must wear full-coverage shoes such as tennis shoes.
You will need to provide:
A notebook
A pen and highlighter
Eye and hearing protection
A quality pistol appropriate for concealed carry (a 9mm or .38 Special is the minimum recommended by the NRA)
A pocket pistol, if you have one you would like to shoot
A stong side hip holster (fitted leather or kydex that covers the trigger/trigger guard is recommended by the NRA)
A good belt
250 rounds of ammunition
A magazine or speedloader carrier
At least two spare magazines or speedloaders
A concealment garment
Other Notes:
Live ammunition is not allowed in the classroom.
Your instructor will go over your equipment with you and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of what you currently own and may recommend resources to acquire other items.
Course Materials, a Completion Certificate, and Range Fees are included in the $175 course fee. There is a $50 (minimum) non-refundable deposit required for registration. If you are unable to attend the class after registering, this deposit will be applied to your next registration.